Dirty Thirty -  Collectif - STRIPBURGER

Dirty Thirty



Date de parution : 05/05/2023

Format : 0 x 270 mm x 190 mm

Nombre de pages : 300

[ EAN : 9789617087246 ]

Disponible sous 3/4 jours
39,00 €

The 300-pages thick comics anthology Stripburger's Dirty Thiry presents the history of the one and only Slovenian contemporary comics magazine through its 30 first years and 80 issues. The anthology consists of a colourful range of republished Stripburger comics by around 70 international and Slovenian artists from 1992—2022 and aims to provide the international public with a glimpse of the diverse and exceptional contemporary comics and graphic production of artists gathered around the Stripburger magazine.

Titre : Dirty Thirty

Auteur : Collectif

EAN : 9789617087246


Date de parution : 05/05/2023

Format : 0 x 270 mm x 190 mm

Nombre de pages : 300

Disponibilité : Livré sous 9 à 14 jours

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