Half of a yellow sun
ngozi adichie chimam, ngozi adichie, chima, adichie, chimamanda, adichie, chimamanda

The year of magical thinking
didion, joan

All about love
hooks bell, hooks, bell

The given day
lehane, dennis, lehane, dennis

A people's history of the united states
zinn, howard

Hitting a straight lick with a...
hurston, zora neale, hurston, zora neale

Brave new world
huxley, aldous, huxley aldous

Delta of venus
nin, anais

Another country
baldwin, james

said edward w., said, edward w.

The monkey wrench gang
abbey, edward

Alice's adventures in wonderland
carroll, lewis

Homage to catalonia
orwell, george

The water dancer
coates, ta-nehisi

Sister outsider
lorde audre, lorde, audre

Let us now praise famous men
agee james/ walker e, agee, evans