Blood and Guts in High School

Acker, Kathy

Éditeur : PENGUIN UK

Collection : Mc fiction (eng

Date de parution : 28/07/2017

Format : 9 mm x 198 mm x 129 mm

[ EAN : 9780241302514 ]

15,35 €

Acker gives her work the power to mirror the reader''s soul'' William S. Burroughsbr>br>''Kathy Acker''s writing is virtuoso, maddening, crazy, so sexy, so painful, and beaten out of a wild heart that nothing can tame. Acker is a landmark writer'' Jeanette Wintersonbr>br>This is the story of Janey, who lived in a locked room, where she found a scrap of paper and began to write down her life. It''s a story of lust, sex, pain, youth, punk, anarchy, gangs, the city, feminism, America, Jean Genet and the prisons we create for ourselves. A heady, surreal mash-up of coming-of-age tale, prose, poetry, plagiarism and illustration, Kathy Acker''s breakthrough 1984 novel caused huge controversy and made her an avant-garde literary>br>Published to coincide with the 20th anniversary of Kathy Acker''s untimely death, Blood and Guts in High School is published for the first time in Penguin Classics, acknowledging the profound impact she has had on our culture, and alongside the authors her work pulsates with the influence of: William S. Burroughs, Cervantes and Charles Dickens, among others.>

Titre : Blood and Guts in High School

Auteur : Acker, Kathy

EAN : 9780241302514

Éditeur : PENGUIN UK

Collection : Mc fiction (eng

Date de parution : 28/07/2017

Format : 9 mm x 198 mm x 129 mm

Disponibilité : Livré sous 48 à 72h ou retrait en librairie immédiatement.

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